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for Loop - Loops - JavaScript | Codeguage
Loops, also known as loop statements or iteration statements, are amongst those ideas in programming without which it's not just difficult but totally impossible to imagine this modern era of computing. Computers are at the very heart of automation, and loops are the forerunner in that.
for - JavaScript | MDN
for 语句用于创建一个循环,它包含了三个可选的表达式,这三个表达式被包围在圆括号之中,使用分号分隔,后跟一个用于在循环中执行的语句(通常是一个块语句)。
continue - JavaScript | MDN
continue 声明终止当前循环或标记循环的当前迭代中的语句执行,并在下一次迭代时继续执行循环。
break - JavaScript | MDN
break 语句终止当前循环或 switch 语句,并将程序控制权转移到终止语句后的语句。当在带有标签的语句内部使用时,它还可以用于跳过该标记语句。
W3Schools JavaScript Break and Continue
The break statement "jumps out" of a loop. The continue statement "jumps over" one iteration in the loop.
do...while - JavaScript | MDN
do...while 语句创建了一个循环,只要测试条件为 true,该循环就会执行指定语句。执行语句后会对条件进行评估,从而使指定语句至少执行一次。
for...of - JavaScript | MDN
for...of 语句执行一个循环,该循环处理来自可迭代对象的值序列。可迭代对象包括内置对象的实例,例如 Array、String、TypedArray、Map、Set、NodeList(以及其他 DOM 集合),还包括 arguments 对象、由生成器函数生成的生成器,以及用户定义的可迭代对象。
while - JavaScript | MDN
while 语句创建一个循环,只要测试条件求值为真,则循环执行指定语句。在执行语句前会先对条件进行求值。
for...in - JavaScript | MDN
for...in 语句迭代一个对象的所有可枚举字符串属性(除 Symbol 以外),包括继承的可枚举属性。
An Introduction to Iterators - Advanced JavaScript | Codeguage
We've got tons of algorithms out there - such as those for sorting, searching, encoding, string manipulation, cryptography, graph traversal, compilers, interpreters - that require iteration at the core level to achieve their desired purposes.
JavaScript Iterators - Explored In Detail | Codeguage
On the basic level, an iterator is a JavaScript object that provides utilities to iterator over a given sequence.
JavaScript Generators - A Guide You've Been Waiting For | Codeguage
Undoubtedly, going over predefined iterable sequences such as strings, arrays, HTMLCollection lists is amazing and, in fact, a common concern of most applications.
An Introduction to Iterators - Advanced JavaScript | Codeguage
We've got tons of algorithms out there - such as those for sorting, searching, encoding, string manipulation, cryptography, graph traversal, compilers, interpreters - that require iteration at the core level to achieve their desired purposes.
JavaScript Iterators - Explored In Detail | Codeguage
On the basic level, an iterator is a JavaScript object that provides utilities to iterator over a given sequence.
JavaScript Generators - A Guide You've Been Waiting For | Codeguage
Undoubtedly, going over predefined iterable sequences such as strings, arrays, HTMLCollection lists is amazing and, in fact, a common concern of most applications.